Is the dispensary open for general public?

Yes,Cantonment General dispensary is open to all general public.

How to get Birth/Death certificate?

Birth and Death certificate can be obtained from approach to office of Cantonment Board, Almora.

To whom should the citizen approach for any grievances?

1. E-mail id–ceoalmo-stats[at]nic[dot]in
2. Samadhan Helpline (2234 X 7) - (05962) 230049
3. You can meet Chief Executive Officer, Almora Cantonment Board during 11.00 A.M to 12.00 P.M on Monday and Friday only.

Where are cremation facilities in Almora Cantt. ?

This facilities provided by Almora Nagarplika

Where can I make complaint about sewerage line choke up?

Complaint for the sewer line can be registered through:
1. Samadhan Helpline (24 X 7)  -  (05962)-230049
2. E-mail id – ceoalmo-stats[at]nic[dot]in

How many dispensaries are run by Almora Cantt. Board in its jurisdiction?

Only one Dispensary runs by Cantt. Board, Almora in Near Eidgah Cantt, Almora.